Meet Will Vohs, owner of HVAC business in Newcomerstown

Meet Will Vohs, owner of HVAC business in Newcomerstown
Meet Will Vohs, owner of HVAC business in Newcomerstown

Will Vohs has brought a long family history to his new business, Voh’s Heating, Cooling & Appliances in Newcomerstown. Vohs started the business in May, and focuses on heating and air conditioning, both installation and repair. His parents had an appliance repair shop, A-1 in Newcomerstown, while he was growing up, while his uncles and grandfather and other family members did HVAC work. Here, he shares details about his new business, and also his strong family life in Newcomerstown.

Question: Please tell us a little bit about yourself, your family, and what you enjoy in your down time.

Answer: “I love my family and our life. Together, we play football and any other sport of the season. My girlfriend has a 6-year-old, 9-year-old, 10-year-old and 19-year-old, so between them, their activities, church and running a business, there really isn’t much free time. However, we love movie nights and game nights. I enjoy family and time with them the most.”