Analysts Expect Tractor Supply (NASDAQ:TSCO) to Post .39 EPS

Analysts Expect Tractor Supply (NASDAQ:TSCO) to Post $1.39 EPS

Equities research analysts expect Tractor Supply (NASDAQ:TSCO) to report $1.39 earnings per share for the current fiscal quarter, Zacks Investment Research reports. Eight analysts have provided estimates for Tractor Supply’s earnings. The highest EPS estimate is $1.54 and the lowest is $1.29. Tractor Supply posted earnings of $1.55 per share during the same quarter last…

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Simpson Manufacturing (NYSE:SSD) Releases Quarterly Earnings Results, Beats Estimates By alt=

Simpson Manufacturing (NYSE:SSD) Releases Quarterly Earnings Results, Beats Estimates By $0.66 EPS

Simpson Manufacturing (NYSE:SSD) released its quarterly earnings data on Sunday. The construction company reported $1.61 EPS for the quarter, topping the Thomson Reuters’ consensus estimate of $0.95 by $0.66, MarketWatch Earnings reports. Simpson Manufacturing had a return on equity of 21.52% and a net margin of 15.62%. The firm had revenue of $418.56 million for…

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